Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thing #8 Cont'd

Ok, rereading my previous post, I realize I was Dr. Phil has so eloquently said 'Would you like some cheese with that whine?" I do love a good pun!

I am feeling overwhelmed with technology. I can't imagine people have time to monitor blogs and actually have favorite bolgs and such.
I thought RSS was neat. I was so excited I told my 8th grade LA friends about it. They do a big holocaust unot around this time of year. But, it would be so cool to collect new information year round so the students could see the ramifications of the holocaust are still being felt around the world.
As a future librarian I thought it would be use ful to pass on to teachers and to let students know about it for either school research or personel interest research. I think a librarian could spin ot to help students realize that the world is connected by technology.

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